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Automatic acceleration of Opencart/OcStore v1.16

Automatic acceleration of Opencart/OcStore AutoTuneSpeed
Automatic acceleration of Opencart/OcStore v1.16
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This module was specially designed to speed up sites running on the Opencart/OcStore platform. It includes the latest optimization techniques to achieve the best Google Page Speed scores.

Here are the main advantages of this modification:

  1. Completely autonomous - you don't need to configure anything yourself, all settings are already provided for optimization based on many tests.
  2. Universality - the module works with ready-made HTML code before displaying it in the browser. This allows you to be independent from any templates, modifiers and other modules used in Opencart.
  3. Minimalistic - changes affect only existing system files. When the module is turned off, no “garbage” is left behind.

This is the basis of AutoTuneSpeed functionality.

Now let's look at what optimization consists of:

  1. Working with CSS files - all files are combined into one and cached in the standard Opencart Cache folder. Fonts are processed and paths for images and other resources are checked for correctness. At the end, this file is preloaded for the browser.
  2. Working with JavaScript is a similar procedure to processing CSS files. All scripts are checked against a special list and, if they match, are switched to lazy loading mode.
  3. Font processing - This is included in CSS processing to reduce the number of requests. All fonts are lazy-loaded, and Google Fonts are loaded in a special way to speed up page loading.
  4. LazyLoad for images and iFrames - the module hooks into the browser's native function if possible, otherwise the "LazyLoad Vanilla" JavaScript module is used. Loading occurs only on pages where lazy loading of images is possible. Full compatibility with other modules of similar functionality. It is possible to eliminate lazy loading for specific images using the "nolazy" CSS class.
  5. Server Push HTTP/2 - this technology is used to transfer CSS and JavaScript along with HTML to the browser. If the browser supports this technology, the page will be displayed without delay.

This small list of changes results in significant performance improvements.

No, the module is not tied to a domain or IP address. It is open source and can be used on any of your websites.

No, you cannot add exceptions for scripts or styles. All JS and CSS files are loaded in the section , and their loading remains unchanged.

No, the module does not work in the administration panel. Its code only works on the user side of the site and ignores Ajax requests.


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