Own delivery methods opencart 3

Sometimes it is necessary to create an online store on the open card,
and create many delivery methods that would depend on the region,
weight, and much more.
This module has a huge flexible functionality that allows you to
customize delivery, even depending on the day of the week.
Module functionality:
The module allows you to set your own name, delivery, delivery header,
and delivery block header. At the same time, you can import and export
module settings between stores.
The main settings for the delivery method:
Its name of the delivery method
Text displayed at zero price
Description of the delivery method
You can include weight in the shipping name
And also add the logo of the shipping method
Delivery cost functionality:
The amount, from the quantity, plumb line, from the volume, from the
order amount, from the amount without a coupon, under the total and many
other parameters.
you can specify your own delivery price, or put zero and display the
It is also possible to set the cost of delivery as a percentage of the
cost of the goods.
Dependencies for other shipping methods:
In the module settings, you can display one or another delivery method
by specifying a dependency.
In which store to display the module
Geo-zone, city, country, customer group, payment methods, manufacturer,
zip code, coupon.
You can also create dependencies for a product category, separately for
products, and separately for product options.
Indicate to the module What day of the week to show this or that
delivery method, me, and even at what time.
Supports order amount range, order weight range, product quantity
In my opinion, an excellent module that will simplify life, but of
course you have to tinker with the settings
3 Comment(s)
Подскажите пожалуйста! Как мне показывать определенный метод доставки для Москвы, а для смоленска чтоб скрыть его? Я видел там настройку исключить города но это с ума можно сойти их вбивать. Как быть?
Здравствуйте! Вам надо создавать географические зоны, и делать зависимости в самом модуле. Исключением городов тут не помочь.
Здравствуйте. Установил модуль Мои способы доставки и вроде бы работает, но выдает ошибку "Notice: Undefined index: shipping_methods in E:\SITE\OSPanel\domains\My****\catalog\controller\extension\shipping\xshippingpro.php on line 54Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in E:\SITE\OSPanel\domains\My***\catalog\controller\extension\shipping\xshippingpro.php on line 54. В чем может быть проблема? И что делать? Спасибо за ответ.
Попробуйте заменить функцию foreach ниже 54 строки их там всего две. Должно примерно так быть is_array ($data['shipping_methods'] as $code => $methods) { if ($code === 'xshippingpro') { is_array ($methods['quote'] as $key => $value) {
Да спасибо все работает
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