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Reviews module for Opencart

Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Review module for Opencart Review Pro.
Reviews module for Opencart
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Opencart Review Pro is a module for the Opencart online store management system that adds advanced functionality for reviews and comments.

With the Review Pro module, users can leave reviews of products directly on the product page. This allows other potential buyers to gain independent information about the product and make a more informed purchasing decision.

The module provides several options for maximum flexibility and user convenience. Firstly, the ability to write and edit reviews using the form on the product page. Secondly, users are also given the ability to rate existing reviews, which helps users quickly see which products will best suit their needs. Thirdly, store employees also have the ability to edit and hide reviews to maintain the ideal quality of comments on the product page.

In addition, the Review Pro module has some features to prevent spam and other unwanted comments. Integration with Google's reCAPTCHA system helps prevent reviews from being automatically submitted by spambots, giving users greater confidence that the reviews they see are from real people.

The Review Pro module also simplifies review analysis for online store owners. They can see the average rating of each product, as well as the comments that users have left for them. This allows them to quickly determine which products their customers like best and identify areas for improvement.

Overall, the Review Pro module is a useful addition to the Opencart online store management system. It provides an easy and convenient way for customers to leave reviews and for sales professionals to manage them.

It is also possible to set up bonus points for reviews or certificates. The module for the third version is completely in Russian, if you need a translation of other versions, write to l.s.

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